Housing and New Homes



19 June 2019

Agenda Item 5 (b)



Brighton & Hove City Council





A period of not more than fifteen minutes shall be allowed at each ordinary meeting for questions submitted by a member of the public.


The question will be answered without discussion. The person who asked the question may ask one relevant supplementary question, which shall be put and answered without discussion. The person to whom a question, or supplementary question, has been put may decline to answer it. 


The following written questions have been received from members of the public.



(1)       Call Recordings

In 2016 this committee was asked to consider implementing full call recordings within the housing department, due to reports from vulnerable people reporting incidents of bulling; misinformation, lies and other allegations. Obviously when challenged could never be referred back to because calls are not recorded. This was causing significant stress to service users then and it still is today, three years later. Can the chair confirm what, if any calls are currently recorded within the housing department? How long these are stored for? And what security and audit trail procedures are in place to ensure no foul play or tampering?

Mr Harris